Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

When it comes to parts of our body that we dislike the most, the abdomen is often one of the first areas that springs to mind. Whether it is through pregnancy, weight loss, or the standard process of aging, the tummy definitely goes through some serious changes during our lifetime, and the end result is often less aesthetically pleasing than we would like.

Skin is largely quite elastic during our youth, with the ability to spring back into place after being slightly stretched. However, if it is stretched beyond repair, it may not be able to return to its prior form, especially after our body stops naturally producing collagen and elastin, the substances needed to help keep our skin supple and elastic. This aging process can cause sagging and excess skin, a protruding abdomen, and a figure that can negatively impact the patient’s confidence and self-esteem, regardless of how much they exercise.

Abdominoplasty at LoTempio Plastic Surgery, also known as a tummy tuck, removes excess fat and skin from the stomach and helps patients achieve a flatter, more defined abdomen that leaves them brimming with confidence.

Types of tummy tuck procedure

Abdominoplasty is available both as a full procedure or in mini form. Both are carried out under a general anesthetic, meaning that you will be asleep throughout the surgery.

A full tummy tuck

A full tummy tuck improves the entire abdominal area. A large incision is made across the lower part of the stomach, and a second incision is made to free the belly button from the surrounding tissue. The skin is then separated from the abdominal wall, and the abdominal muscles realigned. The skin can then be pulled tight so that Dr. LoTempio can see where a new belly button will need to be created, and how much excess skin and fat will need to be cut away. After removing this, the tighter, flatter stomach can be secured using sutures.

A partial tummy tuck

A partial tummy tuck focuses on improving the appearance of the skin below the belly button, which is often where a “pouch” of stubborn fat accumulates after childbirth. The procedure is virtually identical to that of a full tummy tuck, except that no incision to the belly button is made. Instead, only the lower half of the abdomen is pulled tight, excess skin and fat removed, and then the tighter skin is secured using sutures.

A mini tummy tuck can usually be performed in a shorter amount of time, around 2 to 3 hours, and the scarring is less obvious than that of a full abdominoplasty.

Recovering from a tummy tuck

A tummy tuck is an invasive and quite serious procedure, so you will need to be sure that you give yourself adequate time to heal and recover. You will almost certainly need to stay in our care for several days until Dr. LoTempio is satisfied that you are healing efficiently. You will also need to wear a compression garment and take medication to help alleviate your discomfort.

The exact amount of time you may need off of your job may vary, but most patients find that they take off from work for between ten and fourteen days after their surgery. Avoiding physical activity during this time is also essential.

During your recovery, Dr. LoTempio will give you specific aftercare instructions, and these should be adhered to as closely as possible to ensure that you reduce the risk of complications in the days and weeks after your surgery, and you make the best possible recovery from your tummy tuck procedure.

Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

Before Dr. LoTempio can approve you for any form of cosmetic surgery, you will first need to attend a consultation appointment. During this meeting, Dr. LoTempio will speak to you about your concerns about your stomach and your goals for the procedure. She will also be able to make a recommendation as to which type of tummy tuck is best suited to resolve your lack of confidence in the appearance of your stomach.

If you are planning on losing weight or having another baby in the future, you may be recommended to wait until after these events before considering a tummy tuck procedure. This is because both gaining and losing weight can affect the muscles and skin on your stomach, and it can potentially undo the improvements made by tummy tuck surgery.

​​​​​​​Dr. Maria LoTempio is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with a passion for helping people embrace their appearance through strategic enhancements. By improving those areas that make her patients feel most self-conscious, Dr. LoTempio can aid them in re-discovering their confidence and self-esteem and be truly satisfied with themselves. To find out more about abdominoplasty with Dr. LoTempio in our Manhattan office, or to schedule your consultation, call today at 347-434-8600.