Recovery Tips - Breast Reduction Surgery


Recovery Tips - Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is just as invasive and significant as augmentation surgery, and as such, it is equally as important that you take the necessary preparations for your recovery. Studies show that patients that prepare for their recovery period are substantially more likely to recover swiftly and with minimal complications. They also tend to have the best overall result from their surgical procedure.

To help ensure that your breast reduction surgery recuperation is as smooth and straightforward, here are our post recovery tips.

Don’t be afraid to ask for support

There is nothing wrong with being fiercely independent, but there are occasions whereby a little support and assistance really is the best thing for you. This is particularly true after you have undergone a surgical procedure. Rest is one of the key elements of a good recovery, but this is something that is tricky to do if you need to do everything for yourself. If you can, make sure your significant other or a friend or family member is available to help you in the first 72 hours after your procedure. This could include all manner of tasks, from waking you for medications to preparing food for you or taking your children to school. If you are largely on your own, at least make sure you have people checking in with you regularly.

Take your pain medications as directed

Some people have a real aversion to taking pain medication, but since breast reduction surgery is invasive, it is unrealistic to expect that you won’t be in any discomfort in the days after your procedure. Your surgeon will prescribe you moderate pain relief and this should be taken as directed. Don’t wait until you are in agony before ‘giving in’ and taking your medication. Studies show that people who are in pain have a much slower rate of healing so you could only be prolonging your discomfort.

Finish your course of antibiotics

You will almost certainly be given a course of antibiotics to take home with you. These are a preventative to help keep infection at bay. However, many patients may start out taking them as directed and quickly start skipping doses. For proper protection against infection, make sure you finish the course.

Drink plenty of water

Water is the single most important thing that we can put into our bodies and it is particularly important in the aftermath of a surgical procedure such as a breast reduction. Initially, water will help to remove all traces of the anesthesia from your body. However, during your recovery it will prevent you from retaining too much fluid, reduce the risk of constipation which is common when on pain medications, and ensure your cells are properly hydrated and capable of healing.

Eat healthily

It can be very tempting to give in and eat all of our favorite unhealthy foods when we are feeling rough. However, it is important that you continue to eat healthily during your recovery so that your body has all of the nutrients needed to help you heal as swiftly as possible. Many people prepare for this by cooking and freezing nutritional meals in advance, which eliminates the stress of preparation but ensures that you still get all the goodness you need to get back on your feet.

Don’t spend all your time laying down

Speaking of getting back on your feet, it is crucial that you start moving around as soon as you can after your surgery. Any physical exertion will be off the table for a number of weeks, but gently and slowly walking around will help improve your circulation, sending oxygen-rich blood cells to the incisions so that they can heal. Regularly moving around will also reduce your risk of developing a potentially dangerous blood clot.

Don’t take your compression garment off too soon

Your breasts will be wrapped in a compression garment immediately after your surgery. This will help support your breasts so that the incisions aren’t stretched and can heal properly, as well as controlling swelling and inflammation. Although it may not be the most flattering garment in the world, it is important and therefore you shouldn’t stop wearing it until you are given permission by your surgical team.

The single most important thing after any surgery is to follow the instructions given to you by your surgical team. They have the experience and knowledge to be able to advise you what will help you to have a successful recovery, and what could cause complications and compromise the results of your procedure. If you would like more post recovery tips for breast reduction surgery, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team.