

lady with firm legs

Does your body feel a little looser than it should? Are you generally happy with your shape and size, but have wobbly areas that get you down? Would you like to feel more toned? If you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, you certainly aren’t alone. Unfortunately, losing weight or being a size 6 doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have a smooth, tight silhouette. Despite rigorous exercise and eating well, many of us still suffer from pockets of stubborn fat that simply refuse to shift, leaving us with a little more jiggle than we would like. In women, this problem particularly affects the stomach, hips, bottom, and thighs, especially after pregnancy. In men, this problem can be more apparent in the abdomen and love handles.

Feeling unhappy with your wobbly bits is very normal, but some patients lose confidence, become withdrawn, and even suffer from depression as a result of disliking their appearance. Fortunately, today there is a cosmetic surgery solution for everything, including one that can tackle those areas that jiggle a little more than they should – liposuction.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is an extremely popular, minimally invasive procedure that removes stubborn fat cells, so that your surgeon, Dr. LoTempio can sculpt a flatter appearance for you.

After anesthesia, injections of a numbing agent will be administered into the area of the body where the liposuction is being performed. This breaks up the fatty deposits, ready for them to be removed. The main liposuction process is carried out using a cannula, which is a thin, metal tube that is attached to a vacuum. This is inserted into the area to be treated, where it sucks out the fragmented fat cells, which travel up the tube and into a container. Multiple entry points are usually required, although these are very small and will heal without the need for sutures.

Recovering from liposuction

Although the wounds created in liposuction are very small, the process is still very invasive and as such, you may be in some discomfort for the first few days following your surgery. Dr. LoTempio will prescribe medication to help. You will also be strongly advised to wear a compression garment over the affected area, and this may need to remain in place for as long as six weeks post-surgery. The purpose of this dressing is to help minimize swelling and inflammation, and it will also help keep the wounds clean and closed while they heal.

Dr. LoTempio recommends patients who have had liposuction take off from work for a few days, which will allow their body the appropriate time to heal and recover.

As with all of our cosmetic surgery procedures, Dr. LoTempio will issue you with specific aftercare instructions and these should be closely adhered to as they will help you to make a timely recovery that is free of complications.

​​​​​​​Liposuction can transform your shape and help you to feel happy and beautiful again. To schedule your consultation, or to find out more information, please contact our discreet and friendly team who will be happy to help.